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Arthursus the Bear stood near the road at the Llanwrtyd Wollen Mill for many years and was always a welcome presence for people returning home to Llanwrtyd. At night, a Canadian driver passed the bear and, thinking it was real, crashed off the side of the road! Powys council decided it had become a road hazard and removed the bar to a nearby ditch. Outraged locals decided to hold a protest against the bureaucracy and the removal of the town bear. The Daily Telegraph sent a report to cover the protest. Unfortunately, the bear was damaged while lying in the ditch and needed surgery. Enter Dorian Van Braam, a local artist who restored the bear, and it now stands proudly in the Sensory Garden at the Dolwen Field. The town also has to thank Mrs M Nixon, who donated the bear to the children of Llanwrtyd Wells.

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